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  • Writer's pictureJason Nowell

Divers Down!

The Lobster Man anchored up just outside Jupiter Inlet, divers are in the water searching.

I feel like we have been waiting to write this post for decades, I know it has only been 8 years but knowing what is down there and not being able to go get it for 8 year might as well be a lifetime. But alas, here is the Lobster Man, moving sand and uncovering treasure at Jupiter Inlet.

They worked Nov 15th and 16th, mostly just giving the Lobster Man a good pre-season shake-down run. She performed flawlessly, and an EO was found so we will update what was inside once we clean it. It sets all of us at ease to know work is continuing on the San Miguel de Archangel. She has many secrets left to share with us, and her story deserves to be told. Stay tuned for more and we ramp up for the best season ever! Treasure Incoming!

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